Nason Bimbe talks about ADHL in a video for London Global Cancer Week
London Global Cancer Week runs from 24 to 28 November 2019. It is a series of co-ordinated international discussions and events being held in Central
ADHL brings together the various ADHL nodes so as to allow users to search and find content held in various nodes from ‘a single place.’
Reconstitution corono-radiculaire sur dents antérieures : inlay-core au service de la prothèse fixée du CHU-CNOS Notre étude a porté sur les cas […]
Incidence and determinants of post-operative neuromuscular blockade in patients undergoing surgery at the university teaching hospital, Lusaka, […]
Prevelance of asymptomatic bacteria in pregnant women at women and newborn hospital, Lusaka, Zambia, common causative microbes and their drug […]
London Global Cancer Week runs from 24 to 28 November 2019. It is a series of co-ordinated international discussions and events being held in Central
The University of Zambia (UNZA) Strategic Plan (2018-2022) envisages enhancement of excellence in research and publishing in the next five years.
Too late. It is a common refrain in the recounting of why so many people in Africa are dying from cancer. Idah Kayombo in Lusaka,